On the 3rd November 2017 the European Union commemorates the persisting gender pay gap in Europe which currently stands at 16.3%.  This year the day falls on the 3rd November because it is in fact the day when women stop getting paid compared to their male colleagues.  This means that effectively women are paid on average practically two months’ wages less than men in Europe.  It also means that the day changes according to the effective average hourly pay of women in any particular year.

The gender pay gap is a result of the fact that women tend to work in lesser paid sectors, at reduced hours, and are less likely to be promoted to managerial positions with better wages.  Although there has been a notable improvement in Malta with regard to the availability of child-care centres, yet because of a number of reasons, women still opt out of the labour market or for a job which provides a better balance with their family responsibilities rather than career prospects while the fathers usually opt for better paid jobs and longer working hours.

The European Commission will be presenting an Action Plan to Tackle the Gender Pay Gap later this year which will step up ongoing actions and present new measures.  There is currently more awareness about inequality in Europe as well as in Malta, which has pushed women to use social media to create awareness and bring about change.  Thus the European Commission will be seizing this momentum to create effective change.

Iuris Malta assists clients at the civil court or industrial tribunal and provides mediation services in cases of discrimination at the workplace.

Contributed by: Dr. Romina Bartolo – IURIS

E: rbartolo@iurismalta.com

W: www.iurismalta.com