Personal separations
IURIS regularly assists numerous clients in separations before the courts. We believe that in this area, as in others, our clients’ best interests lie in a speedy and beneficial solution, which is why we aim for consensual separation. Because this is not always possible, we offer the full service, from the initial meditation procedure through to the litigation process until final judgment, providing comprehensive assistance throughout in all areas from care and custody of minor children, to maintenance,
The firm may also assist clients with enforcing judgments obtained before a foreign court or tribunal in Malta.
Care and custody disputes
IURIS provides advice on various custody-related matters, including paternity suits, disputes over matters concerning minor children and abduction cases. Our team believes that the best interests of the children are of paramount importance in such sensitive matters and we strive to help our clients reach amicable arrangements which safeguard the children’s best interest and wellbeing at all times, while striking a balance between the rights and duties of the parents depending on the particular circumstances of each case.
Through its senior partners Dr. Peter Fenech and Dr. Rita Mifsud, IURIS acted as legal advisors to the National Child Protection Agency (Foundation for Social Welfare Services, Aġenzija Appoġġ and
The firm has also in recent years experienced an increase in cross-border custody disputes and has provided legal services to clients ordinarily resident both in Malta, including Gozo, as well as in other EU countries and also in other foreign jurisdictions where issues of primary residence of the children as well as applicable jurisdiction in terms of EU regulations and international conventions are to be determined.
Abduction cases
Following the introduction of Act XIV of 2011 regulating divorce in Malta, IURIS enables clients to obtain a divorce through the Maltese courts and has regularly succeeded in
Criminal proceedings
Our Malta family law firm provides representation and assistance in criminal proceedings concerning family matters, including cases of failure of one party to pay maintenance to the other, or to allow access to minor children, as well as in cases of domestic violence.
Family Lawyers in Malta – IURIS
The experienced, knowledgeable lawyers at IURIS can assist with all aspects of family law. Contact IURIS today, Malta family law firm.